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Amazon launches Australian Kindle

Date Added: November 13, 2013 10:10:58 AM
Author: gmawebd
Category: Business & Economy

Amazon launches Australian Kindle Store with three new models of Kindle Fire. The 7 inch kindle fire will be costing around two hundred Australian Dollars. Amazon has its own operating system which is Fire OS 3.0 “Mojito” and these devices would run Amazon operating system. Also amazon opened local kindle store by which Aussies will be able to access their local content.

Previously the content for US on amazon com kindle store was not available to customer in Australia but with this current Amazon launch most of the things will be available. According to Amazon more than one hundred thousand apps will be available right at the start with countless movies and music to choose from. The price will be in Australian dollars and the content will be Australian customized which will truly reflect Australian market. Previously if a movie was doing good in US and all over the world but not in Australia would rank according to its sales in the World but now it will be local Austrian rankings which will give users a true Aussie taste.

The kindle display is 1280x800 and it will have dual core processor which will run at 1.5 GHZ for 7 inch Amazon kindle. Also the customers would now have to pay GST which is must in Australia for every item or product purchased.

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Amazon launches Australian Kindle
Amazon launches Australian Kindle Store with three new models of Kindle Fire. Amazon has its own operating system which is Fire OS 3.0 “Mojito” and these devices would run Amazon operating system.

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Montreal is the largest City of Province of Quebec Canada and is also a economic and Industrial hub. Montreal Business Marketing and listings.